Whitefish River First Nation Economic Development

Mission Statement

The Anishinabek of WRFN will strive for improved community well being by collectively protecting, strengthening and developing its resources and culture through mutual cooperation

Economic Development Department Staff

Economic Development Officer

General Overview

The Economic Development department works closely with Chief & Council and senior administrative staff to determine immediate and long term goals and objectives.

  • Develop and implement a 5 year Strategic Economic Development Plan. Set short, intermediate, and long term goals and objectives.
  • Initiate training and employment programs targeted at improving the human resource base within the community
  • Promote and utilize Mnidoo Mnising Employment and Training (MMET)
  • Coordinate the Summer Work Experience Program.
  • Assist potential employers to locate appropriate candidates within the First Nation
  • Assist band membership with business initiatives, opportunities, and expansion including accessing funding sources.
  • Prepare applications and proposals for submission to various federal, provincial, and non-profit agencies for economic development and identified key community initiatives
  • Work with the Lands and Resources department to promote sustainable natural resource development projects.
  • Administer, manage, and assist with the day to day operations of the Whitefish River Development Corporation (WRDC)
  • Assist with the management of band owned buildings including the Rainbow Lodge


In order to assist potential employers in locating appropriate candidates within WRFN. All band and community members that wish to be placed in a casual labor pool are encourage to fill out the form and return it to the economic development office. (see attached causal labor pool registration form).

Parking Permits, canoe and camping trip forms are available from the Economic Development department.