WRFN is governed by (1) elected Chief and (7) Councillors. Elections are held every four years and are conducted accordance with the Whitefish River First Nation Election Code (2018). The Chief and each Councillor holds office for a term of four years, at which time, elections are held to elect a new governing body. The Election Code determines the number of councillor positions.

Chief & Council meet twice a month (one working meeting and one regular meeting) and will often have to meet with various other committees’ they are appointed to represent. Issues discussed range from local issues to provincial or national issues.

Whitefish River First Nation Art

Chief (2023– 2027)

Rodney Nahwegahbow

Councillors (2023 – 2027)

Brian McGregor

Jeff McGregor

Leslie McGregor

Talon McGregor-Chin

Leona Nahwegahbow

Esther Osche

Richard Shawanda

WRFN is governed by (1) elected Chief and (7) Councillors. Elections are held every four years and are conducted according to WRFN Election Code. The Chief and each Councillor holds office for a term of four years, at which time, elections are held to elect a new governing body. The number of citizens determines the number of councillor positions. In 1985, WRFN opted for their own citizenship code, which sets out the citizenship requirements.

Chief & Council meet twice a month (one working meeting and one regular meeting) and will often have to meet with various other committees’ they are appointed to represent. Issues discussed range from local issues to provincial or national issues.

Provincially, WRFN is a member of two First Nation organizations, the Union of Ontario Indians (UOI) and the Chiefs of Ontario (COO). Each has a large membership assisting First Nations across Ontario.

Nationally, WRFN is a member of the Assembly of First Nations (AFN), where an elected National Chief will represent Canada’s First Nations on a national and international level.

The powers of Council are set out in section 81.1 under the Indian Act. WRFN is governed by the Can. Reg. 97-138 Indian Band Council Election Orders in the Indian Act.