May 19th, 25 year anniversary of the Administration Office.
May 19th, 25 year anniversary of the Administration Office.
WRHN Community Centre is built.
The railway that ran through Whitefish River First Nation is gone.
Health centre is located beside band office.
Leona Nahwegahbow is the first woman chief elected in Whitefish River First Nation.
Dave Nahwegahbow is the first Lawyer from the community.
Whitefish River joins first Tribal Council in Canada, UCCM under Chief James McGregor.
Old community hall is the Band Office today.
Redesign of current community logo by Kelvin “Pete” Nahwegahbow.
A series of films are shot in the community.
Whitefish River First Nation is quarantined for virus diphtheria.
First Winter Carnival.
Lafarge is established in the Community.
School name is changed from Birch Island Day School to Shawanosowe School.